Online Discretionary Trust Order Form


Ph: (07) 3229 8311


  • (Must not be a person associated with the Trust/Must be over 18 years of age)

  • (If Company Name, please provide A.C.N.)

  • i. INSERT NAME (each a Primary Beneficiary)

    ii. The children of any Primary Beneficiary whether born at the date of this Deed or prior to the Termination Date

    iii. The grandchildren of any Primary Beneficiary whether born at the date of this Deed or prior to the Termination Date

    iv. The brothers and sisters of any Primary Beneficiary whether born at the date of this Deed or prior the Termination Date

    v. The children of the brothers and sisters of the Primary Beneficiary whether born at the date of this Deed or prior to the Termination Date

    vi. The spouses of the brothers and sisters of any Primary Beneficiary whether born at the date of this Deed or prior to the Termination Date

    vii. The parents of any Primary Beneficiary

    viii. A person who is ordinarily a member of the household of or who is maintained or supported by any Primary Beneficiary or the spouse, parent, brother, sister, nephew, niece or child of such person

    ix. Such persons appointed from time to time pursuant to the terms of this Deed

    x. Subject to the provisions of this Deed and subject to the laws against perpetuities:
    a. any corporation in which any of the beneficiaries is registered as the holder of at least one (1) share or has a beneficial interest in at least one (1) share;
    b. any trustee of any trust in which at least one beneficiary (as the term beneficiary is described or defined in that trust) is a beneficiary of this Trust (as the term beneficiary is described or defined in the Trust);
    c. the trustee of any charitable trust, and any person, officer or governing body of an association in their capacity as such of any society, authority, institution, church, religious order, or person or entity which at the time a distribution of income or capital of the Trust is to be made in exempt from income tax under the provisions of Australian tax law, or, if at such time a gift of money is deductible from assessable income of the donor by virtue of Australian tax law.

  • (Usually from the FIFTH SCHEDULE You must choose at least 1 Appointor)

  • PRICE: $363.00 (incl. GST) TERMS: Nett 7 Days
    1. Settlor must be over 18 years old
    2. Settlor is recommended to be someone who is un-related to the Trustee/s or Beneficiaries in the Trust
    3. Trustee (if trustee is an Individual), must be over 18 years old
    BANK: Bank of Queensland
    BRANCH: 229 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane 4000
    BSB: 124001
    ACCOUNT NUMBER: 10 341 706
    ACCOUNT NAME: Rapid Companies
  • A PDF copy of this form will be sent to your email address.
